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  • 1 099,-

Artikkelnummer: 763
Leverandør: Fagerbitt


Anna Sweet iron Munnstykke passer til Otto kombinasjonsbitt. Ved bestilling av munnstykke til ditt kombinasjonsbitt anbefaler vi å gå opp en størrelse i forhold til hva hesten bruker i standard trinse. 

OBS! Fager spesiallager munnstykket for deg etter bestilling. Disse kan derfor IKKE returneres eller byttes.

Dette er hva Fager skriver om bittet:
(beklager foreløbig engelsk tekst)

Fager Anna is a good choice if you would describe your horse as the following;

  • Finds difficulty in seeking connection towards the bit.
  • Falls constantly behind the bit.
  • Sticks the tongue out/chew frantically at the bit.

Fager Anna is a single-jointed bit incorporating Fager’s Smart System FSS™, an innovative design which creates a unique three-way locking system to prevent the bit from overbending which can cause discomfort and pain.

The key difference between regular lockups and FSS™ is more significant than you might initially think as the FSS™ continues to work through all head positioning.:

When working in a low position (e.g. stretching out) or a higher position (e.g. over a jump), the closure continues to work, even if the reins pull the bit upwards; making the bit turn downwards – this is where a regular lockup would fail. Therefore our FSS™ is considerably more forgiving against any unexpected movements of your hands.

Fager Anna is also a great solution for youngsters as it lies still inside the mouth and doesn’t take up too much space.

If you have a sensitive horse and are searching for a gentle, kind bit, Anna is definitely worth a try.  It is also perfect to alternate with other bits to improve communication work by alternating the pressure points.