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  • 1 169,-

Artikkelnummer: 800
Leverandør: Fagerbitt


Dette er hva Fager skriver om bittet:
(beklager foreløbig engelsk tekst) 

Fager Mattias is a good choice for horses who you would describe as the following:

  • Can be worried in the mouth but get too stiff on straight bits
  • Reluctant to soften down into the bit.
  • Requires encouragement to seek out the contact and keep a consistent contact.
  • Can overreact when you take the reins
  • Can get on and off in the contact

Mattias is a double-jointed sweet iron bit with a special lockup function. The mouthpiece has a tongue relief but locks upwards, which can be good for horses with a low palate and sensitive bars who still prefers a tongue relief.

The bit doesn't lock forward like a normal lockup bit, which means that you won't get the stiff feeling of a straight bit.

The joints are rotated away from the tongue, which gives a more gentle, smooth pressure on the tongue. This can be good for horses that can overreact when you take the reins and need to keep the consistent contact through every movement. The sweet taste together with the stability makes the horse seek a stable contact with the bit.

This sidepiece is designed to keep the mouthpiece steady and give a framed feeling.
Baucher is to prefer if you have problems with wounds in the corners of the mouth or wears on the premolars (P2). The Baucher will reveal these places from constant pressure and help the horse to relax.

As an added benefit, the straight and thin design enhances the rider’s aids to be more effective, direct and precise than ever before.